2009年4月1日 星期三


繼上一篇Guitar-X的廣告之後,在加一篇關於tech music schools的廣告一則。以下是Vocaltech 的1yr Diploma課程介紹。


  • Voice Production develops the fundamentals of vocal technique. You’ll work to improve your pitch, tone, range and awareness of different registers. 
  • Contemporary and Classic Styles studies the landmarks of the contemporary music 
    repertoire, from soul classics to the latest hits. You’ll learn what’s required to perform with authenticity and confidence in different styles.近代以及經典風格。課程學習從經典的樂風倒近年來排行榜風格以及技巧。讓你可以很有自信確定的唱出各種不同的音樂風格。
  • Ensemble covers a variety of approaches to harmony singing, from performing as part of a backing vocal line-up to directing your own vocal arrangement.合唱課。基本和聲配置分高、中、低三部。學習如何當個好的和聲所俱備的各種知識及技巧。
  • Harmony and Theory is so important because it allows you to communicate with other musicians and enhances your creativity. This module takes you from the rudiments of music theory to degree entry level.教你學會樂理以及和聲的道理。
  • Aural helps you to develop a good musical ear, which is an essential skill for all vocalists, allowing you to translate what you hear on to the page and vice versa.音聽課。訓練你耳朵去分辨音階、和絃還有很細節的演奏。多聽就多學習,聽久了就是你的。在此順便推薦一個很好訓練聽力的網站  http://www.musictheory.net  我的樂理課聽力部份就靠這個網站了!
  • Sight Singing is extremely useful for learning repertoire, allowing you to respond quickly in a number of professional situations including studio session work and live performance.視譜課。認識樂譜上出現的所有小東西,還包括一般錄音室或作場環境常見的簡易譜。
  • Song Writing takes you through the creative process of lyric, melody and chord writing to a final performance of your own original material. You will be encouraged to develop your individual style and to create an original contemporary repertoire.教你怎麼寫歌。雖然寫歌寫詞本應該是心血來潮或是感受到宇宙能量後靈機一動的自然現象,不過其實還是有一些規則可循。就算爸媽沒把自己生個偶像外表,也還是可以當創作歌手。長得帥帥還可以當下一個王力宏。
  • Second Instrument: Keyboard gives you a great reference point for all your studies. The keyboard is a creative tool, which can assist you with writing, arranging and performing.第二專長樂器。基本上會唱歌的人都不見得會樂器。讓你學會鍵盤,一方面增加自己的音樂廣度,一方面練歌也可以不求人。
  • Accompaniment increases your versatility as a performer by teaching you to accompany yourself and other vocalists on the keyboard. It develops creativity, interpretation and performance skills.伴唱課。增進你現場表演技巧、創造力和詮釋能力。
  • Stage Techniques covers key vocal and physical performance techniques. You will 
    explore movement, space, posture, eye contact and communication with your audience as well as practical matters like mic techniques and how to set up a PA.舞台技巧。是在教你如何和台下的聽眾作溝通交流。成功的表演是要把台下的觀眾也算進去的,在台上自high也不是個辦法。
  • Live Performance Workshop is your chance to put it all into practice - on stage with a
    full band line-up. You’ll learn exactly how to interact with other performers, as well as with an audience, and you’ll develop your live sound in a number of different styles.現場表演課。就如Drumtech,Guitar-X一樣。每週一首歌,每次上課和別班不同的樂手配合,練習臨場經驗最佳的課程。
  • LPW Prep helps you to make the most of your weekly live performance workshops by
    guiding you through the main vocal and backing vocal parts. You will learn how to 
    analyse,interpret and memorise songs.預習現場表演課。一小時的課,在預習下一週的現場表演課歌曲。唱歌風格當然因人而異,但是每首歌有基本他需要表達的靈魂。還有其中需要學習的技巧和注意事項。我就說我們學校是在培養流行音樂的人才,就是這麼回事。不要根我講什麼,我很rock才不屌他,這種自大的話,這樣的話就去錢櫃包廂唱,就去自寫歌組團唱,不要妄想靠唱歌賺什麼錢。
  • Studio gives you direct, hand-on experience in a professional recording environment. 
    You’ll learn all the functions of a studio and its equipment through expert tuition.
  • Master Classes are your chance to learn from some of the best performers in the 
    business. We also invite key figures from the music industry to give their perspective.
  • Student Support is your chance to book one-to-one time with a tutor to discuss any 
    area of the course.

