DRUMTECH與其說是學校,不如說是一個組。附屬在Tech Music Schools 系裡。而這個系是在一個叫做Thames Valley University 這個學校裡。 泰晤士村大學。音樂技術系。打鼓技術組。還是覺得蠻酷的。不過這邊要幫其他“技術組“打個廣告,因為這樣學校會付我一點錢,貼補一點我食量大如牛導致的高消費。
Tech Music Schools 整個系一個學區。除了鼓之外還有Guitar-X、Vocaltech、Keyboardtech。不要說為什麼沒有Bass,不要說不知道平常大家說的Bass是低音電吉他,“Bass"的學生當然就放在Guitar-X裡面。以下就我個人在學跟人聊天的經驗以及官方網站的資訊,供有志出國進修吉他的國人參考。
Guitar-X的1 year Diploma課程如下,
- The Fretboard looks at scales, chords and arpeggios. You’ll also cover the physical
principles of technique and co-ordination, developing them to an advanced level for
specific styles.指板課(?不確定Fretboard是什麼)讓你了解演奏技巧實際上的原理由來,增進成富有特色技巧又高強的帥氣吉他演奏家。
- The Total Guitar explores the techniques of the less mainstream playing styles, including acoustic and electric slide playing, basic classical guitar styles and acoustic finger picking.完全的一個吉他課。包括民謠吉他和電吉他的神奇指環技巧,古典吉他和民搖吉他的分解和絃運指技巧。
- Rhythm Guitar Skills gives you the skills to be able to lay down a great groove. This is
one of the keys to pro guitar playing.吉他節奏課。不大清楚內容。是專業吉他手的關鍵課程。
- Vocabulary and Improvisation will give you the tools to be totally creative in your own
right. You’ll study the approaches of the great guitar players and develop the dexterity
and co-ordination needed to respond to any musical situation.即興辭彙課。每種音樂就像是一種語言,有自己的辭彙、口氣和語法。這堂課讓你在不同類型的樂風當中可以做出適當的solo而不顯得在亂搞。
- Harmony and Theory explores the practical application of modern harmony and theory
– off the page and onto the fretboard.顯然易懂的就是討人厭的樂理課
- Aural trains you to hear with great detail and accuracy. You will study the recognition of
intervals, double stops, chords, arpeggios and chord progressions.音聽課。訓練你耳朵去分辨音階、和絃還有很細節的演奏。多聽就多學習,聽久了就是你的。
- Transcribing, arranging and Composition looks at specific arrangements to identify
the mechanisms that will enable you to write your own compositions.編曲創作課。期末考是聽歌抓歌然後重新編曲燒錄成CD交上被打分數。
- Notation covers all the rudiments of sight reading by breaking music down into pitch
(note recognition, intervals, key signatures) and rhythm (note values, rests, time
- Chart Reading gives you the tools to be able to read charts and make them come alive.
The process of deconstructing music at sight is studied in detail so that you very quickly
learn to interpret written music into songs and tunes.視譜課。應該跟上面一起的。可以快速的解讀分析演奏譜上的所有東西,以及速記聽到的音樂。
- Rhythm Section Skills is the in-depth study of the relationship between guitar, bass and drums. You’ll perform with top level musicians, concentrating on the time, feel, groove and techniques of each piece.節奏技巧課。吉他班的老師基本上會是由鼓老師來授課。從鼓手的角度來教你該怎樣彈好一首歌需要的grooving。而不是一樣是44拍就亂刷切分一通覺得很帥。
- Live Performance Workshop (and LPW Preparation class) is your chance to put it all
into practice - on stage with a full band line-up. You’ll develop your live sound in a
number of different styles, concentrating also on performing, showmanship and the right mental approach.現場表演課。就是我之前貼的LPW課程。可能會跟打鼓班、唱歌班或是低音吉他班一起上。可是認識俗艷的唱歌班女生。
- Music Technology introduces you to industry standard music software packages,
allowing you to build up effective backing tracks, work out solos and program your own
music.電腦課。學習現代音樂不可缺少的音樂軟體。吉他班應該也是學Logic Pro(8)。
- Studio gives you direct, hands-on experience in a professional recording environment.
You’ll learn how to set up your equipment, mic-ing techniques, effects processing,
recording, mixing and studio awareness.錄音室課。介紹錄音室會用到的器材,以及配歌路音。這堂課一學期只有兩堂,在校外配合的錄音室上課。錄音師也會同時介紹現代流行音樂的製作流程還有一些鮮為人知的八卦。
- Master Classes are your chance to learn from some of the best performers in the
business. We also invite key figures from the music industry to give their perspective.這不是固定課程。學校定期會邀請一些業界的樂手來開大師班。就像台灣的那些樂手講座一樣。有名額限制。
- Student Support is your chance to book one-to-one time with a tutor to discuss any
area of the course. 一對一探討課。我想這不是必修,總之可以跟老師約面談,談以上課程面臨到的困難。
除了1 year diploma之外還有另外學士學位,3 months diploma,private lesson。學費相關請參考“關於Drumtech的入學相關問題-1“一篇。或在右方網誌標簽點選“drumtech"也有相關文章。或是直接去Guitar-X官方網站參觀。(http://www.guitar-x.co.uk/)